Fall Photography Classes
at Las Positas College Photography
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while you still can….
PHTO 56: Intro
to Digital Photography
Wed 2-4:50PM, with Bijan Yashar
Explore the art and technique of digital photography.
PHTO 58: Intro to Video Production
M/W 11:00-1:15PM, with Jason Anaya
Learn the foundations of how to shoot, light and
edit short films, music videos, interviews and more in this fun and productive
class. Make movies you can submit to film festivals. Students have
access to an excellent Mac lab, studio and equipment to work on class projects.
PHTO 60: Advanced Photography
T/TH 6-8:50PM, with
Deanna Horvath
B&W Materials and
Processes. Explore advanced shooting, printing and presentation techniques
for traditional and digital B&W photography and more. Students will hold a class exhibition of their work during the semester.
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